Print, digital or original: this tweak is a game changer for art sellers on Etsy

Let’s get real for a moment here.

Selling art on Etsy can feel like shouting in a crowded room.

With so much work out there, no matter how gorgeous, it can be a tough nut to crack. How do you make sure your art finds its people? Back in the day when I was still figuring things out, I found a simple tweak that really helped me sell more, whether it was my digital work (selling patterns on digital papers was all the rage back in 2013) or printed pieces (later on when I started selling my art prints).

So let me share how I tweaked my listings and how to make your art stand out with just the right title.

The Challenge on Etsy

Imagine someone looking for a “colorful print” on Etsy. What they often find is page after page of digital downloads, all amazing and super handy if you’re looking for something digital, but they wanted something printed to hang on their wall.

The thing is, Etsy currently doesn’t give buyers a clear way to filter between digital downloads, printed art, or original pieces.

So what this person probably would do, is filter it out the things they don’t want to see by becoming more specific in their search, adding ‘printed’ or ‘original’ to their search terms.

So in order to appear in the search results of the people actually looking for your kind of art offered, it’s super important to help your potential buyers out by making your listings crystal clear from the get-go.

Simple Change, Big Difference

When I realized this and started applying it, I noticed something interesting about my listings.

When I started specifying in my titles whether a piece was a “print,” “printable,” or “original,” things began to change.

I put these keywords right in the first 20 characters of my titles. Why? Because those first few words are what catch someone’s eye and is what’s being displayed on most mobile devices.

I talked about the importance of those first 20 characters in a previous post, which you can check out here.

This small change made a big difference in how often my work got in front of the right eyes.

This tweak in how I titled my art prints or digital downloads wasn’t just about getting more clicks; it was about getting the right kind of attention.

And guess what? It worked.

My conversion rate started to climb. More of the right people were clicking on my listings, which led to more sales.

It was a simple change, but it made a huge difference in how effectively I was reaching my audience.

So, if you’re an art print seller or seller of digital assets, finding it tough to stand out on Etsy, take a closer look at your titles.

Are you clearly stating what type of art you’re offering?

This small effort can help the right buyers find you and reduce the frustration of those endless searches.

It helped me sell more art and create a snowball effect, and I hope it does the same for you.

Instead of hoping to catch someone’s eye among the sea of options, make it easy for them to see what you’re offering. They’ll be thankful you did!

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